The producer of the show, Gang Gang (刚刚), claims it is the first Chinese first show of its kind to focus on gay issues and the first with an openly homosexual host. The program is hosted by AIDS activist Didier Zheng, of the Chi Heng foundation (pictured left, with Gang Gang on the right). It appears that the makers of the show, purposely chose to air the program online rather than face the possibility of being censored on broadcast TV.
The show debuted on Hong Kong-based Phoenix Television's website featuring an interview with Qiao Qiao (乔乔), the lesbian singer of the song "爱不分" or "Love Doesn't Discriminate". She is also the owner of Beijing's oldest lesbian bar, called "Pipe".
To the extent of Shanghaiist's knowledge, the program is not archived and can only be viewed at its designated timeslot of Thursdays at 3 pm. For more information, check out the homepage of Gay Connections (in Chinese).
Source: Shanghaiist
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